• Can TMJ Cause Dizziness?

    While dizziness on its own is probably not a sign of TMJ, if you experience dizziness on top of other symptoms it may very well point to the disorder. TMJ disorder can cause a wide variety of symptoms, some of which you wouldn’t necessarily think to associate with a disorder of the jaw, such as: Of…

  • How to Get Perfect Teeth

    There is no such thing as an objectively “perfect” smile. Each person has their own idea of perfection and what it looks like. Austin cosmetic dentist Dr. John Schmid has worked with many patients over the years, helping them to achieve a beautiful and healthy smile that is as close to perfection as possible. He…

  • Can I Get Veneers on Small Teeth?

    An in-person consultation with a dentist is necessary to evaluate whether you’re a good candidate for veneers or not. That being said, porcelain veneers are usually considered a great option to correct teeth that are too small, and improve the proportions of your smile. If you have small teeth and are interested in improving them through…

  • Will Porcelain Veneers Make My Teeth Look Fake?

    One of our most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures is porcelain veneers. This procedure utilizes custom made thin porcelain shells to disguise flaws in your natural teeth. Porcelain veneers can be very natural looking, but if they are made cheaply with no regard to your natural smile, they may end up looking fake. Austin cosmetic dentist Dr.…

  • Are Porcelain Veneers Worth It?

    Porcelain veneers are a big investment in yourself, so naturally many people wonder if it will be worth it for them. The answer depends entirely on your individual situation and goals. Some people will be wonderful candidates for porcelain veneers, while others may benefit more from different dental treatments to achieve their goals. Porcelain veneers will…

  • Benefits of Dental Implants

    Missing teeth can cause many problems in both the long and short term. While there are different solutions available for missing teeth, in general dental implants are considered the best choice. This is because dental implants are the only option available that replace the vital tooth root. When we think about teeth, we often only think…

  • How to Pay for Cosmetic Dentistry

    Many men and women would like to improve their smile with cosmetic dentistry, but they may be worried about how to pay for treatment. Dental insurance plans rarely cover cosmetic procedures, and depending on the extent of work you need, you may be facing high out of pocket costs. Luckily, there are ways to afford cosmetic…

  • What Is A Dental Makeover?

    A dental makeover, also referred to as a smile makeover, is a customized combination of dental procedures designed to achieve your smile goals. A dental makeover can address a variety of cosmetic and functional concerns at once, allowing you to completely transform your smile. What Issues Can a Smile Makeover Improve? A smile makeover can be…