Gum Disease Treatment in Austin, TX

It is estimated that over 80 percent of adults in the United States will develop some form of gum disease in their lifetime. Fortunately, most cases of gum disease are mild, enabling our dentist Dr. John Schmid to eliminate the problem with little more than advanced cleaning.

However, when gum disease becomes more advanced, you face risks such as tooth loss or bone necrosis. You also face an increased risk of serious problems like hypertension, heart disease, respiratory issues, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Smile with gum disease

We recommend you visit our Austin dentist if you notice any of the symptoms of this common problem. Bleeding, red, or tender gums are often the first indication of gum disease and should be brought to the attention of Dr. Schmid as soon as they appear.

If you are suffering from any of the symptoms of gum disease, please call Contemporary Cosmetic Dentistry at 512-329-5967 to schedule an appointment.

What Kind of Gum Disease Can You Treat?

The good news is that both kinds of gum disease can be treated. It is possible to stop gingivitis (gum inflammation) long before it progresses to periodontitis (gum disease). Periodontitis is also treatable; however, you should act fast. It can cause lasting damage to your teeth, jaw bone, and gum tissue. The longer you postpone the treatment, the worse the damage can become.

What Happens if My Gum Disease Goes Untreated?

The early symptoms of gum disease are often mild and easy to overlook. However, that won’t always be the case. Untreated gum disease will eventually lead to a cascade of painful, unsightly, and expensive oral health problems. It can even affect other parts of your body. You may find that it is uncomfortable to chew. Your gums may pull away from your teeth and make your teeth look longer than they should. Your teeth may become loose or fall out entirely.

These are just a few of the dental consequences that you may experience due to gum disease. There are also implications for your overall health. After all, the bacteria that cause periodontitis can enter your bloodstream through your affected gums. It has been linked to serious health problems in other parts of the body. People with gum disease may struggle with medical issues such as diabetes, heart disease, and more.

Who Is a Candidate for Gum Disease Treatment?

Gum disease treatments are appropriate for most patients. Healthy gum tissue is pale pink and firm. It also fits snugly around the base of each tooth. If your gums do not match these descriptions, you may be a candidate for fixing your oral health with gum disease treatments. Some signs that gum disease treatment is right for you include:

  • Swollen or puffy gums
  • Red or purple gum tissue
  • Tender gums
  • Gums that bleed easily
  • Bad breath
  • Receding gum tissue

How Do I Prepare for Gum Disease Treatment?

Gum disease treatment requires little to no preparation. Some treatments are so mild that you may simply need to schedule more frequent visits at our dental office, improve your oral hygiene routine, and use certain products. Others involve scaling and root planing or laser gum therapy. However, because these options are minimally invasive, you don’t need to prepare for them either.

Is It Painful?

There are several types of gum disease treatments that are virtually painless. These include scaling and root planing and laser gum therapy. With both gum disease treatment options, we typically use a local anesthetic to maintain your comfort. We strive to provide gentle dentistry.

Treating Gum Disease

The two types of gum disease are gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis, generally marked by tender gums that bleed easily, can often be treated through more frequent dental hygiene visits to our Austin dental office. Dr. Schmid may also prescribe medicated mouthwash to bolster your at-home routine and help protect the gums from further infection.

Periodontitis may be marked by chronic bad breath, loose teeth, puss in between teeth, and a persistent bad taste in the mouth. This more advanced form of gum disease requires scaling and root planing or laser gum therapy. Both of these treatments allow our Austin dentist to remove bacteria and plaque from below the gum line, eliminating the infection and helping protect the long-term health of your teeth and gums.

Patient Testimonial

Read what our patients are saying!

“Thank you so much for your professionalism and great work!  You have truly changed my life and improved my self-esteem.  I hope you realize you are in peoples lives. Bobbi, Thank you so much for your help and great professionalism during the process.  You made it very smooth and stress-free.  You are truly appreciated.” -Reneta

Click here to read more reviews

What Can I Expect From My Recovery?

Most people return to work or school after their gum disease treatment. There is no downtime. However, your mouth will be numb, so you should not eat until that sensation wears off entirely. As your mouth heals, you may feel some manageable discomfort. It can often be controlled with over-the-counter pain medication. Talk to our dentist if you experience any lingering pain.

Potential Future Treatments for Gum Disease

Gum disease treatment is a lasting way to improve the painful symptoms of gum disease. It can address the root cause of gum inflammation and infection for better long-term dental health. However, gingivitis and periodontitis can easily return in the absence of good oral hygiene. After your treatment is complete, be sure to adopt and maintain measures such as:

  • Brushing your teeth twice a day
  • Flossing daily
  • Using a mouth rinse as recommended
  • Scheduling regular professional dental cleanings
  • Avoiding nicotine products

Schedule Your Appointment for Gum Disease Treatments in Austin, TX

To learn more about gum disease treatment options, please contact the office of Contemporary Cosmetic Dentistry online or call 512-329-5967 today. Dr. Schmid provides periodontal treatment and other general dentistry services for men and women living in Austin, Round Rock, and surrounding areas of Texas.